Kindergarten Parent Information
The Centralia School District Transportation Department follows a procedure called “Must Be Met” for all kindergarten students. It requires each bus driver to release kindergarten students ONLY to an identified adult at the bus stop. If no adult is present, the student will be returned to the Centralia School District Transportation Department, or to the school to await parent pick-up. This process is used for all kindergarten students.
As part of the process, each kindergarten student will be issued a bus name tag to be worn on their backpack. The name tag identifies the child's parent/guardian name, route number, bus stop and emergency contact.
Parents wishing to have alternate arrangements (such as allowing the kindergarten student to exit the bus with an older sibling) must complete a waiver form and return it to the school Office Professional. This must be done for each school year.
To access the form, CLICK BELOW
Thank you for your help and cooperation in ensuring the safety of our kindergarten students.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact your child's school office, or the Transportation Department at 360-330-7626.