Board Information
Your School Board of Directors
The Centralia School District Board of directors is the Primary Policy-making body for the public schools of the Centralia community.
Members of the Centralia School District Board of Directors must live in the Centralia School District and are elected by registered voters in the community to serve four year terms.
Regular Monthly Board meetings are usually held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m.
The meetings are typically held at either the Centralia District Office Boardroom, or at one of our schools.
The public is encouraged to attend all board meetings and learn more about the operation of the district. To see the board meeting past and current agendas please see the agenda page on this site. Copies of the current meeting agenda are available at each board meeting.
Minutes of each board meeting are public record and are available at this site located under the minutes tab. Minutes are also available upon request in the superintendent's office.
Requests for formal citizen presentations to the board are welcome. The requests should be placed with the superintendent's office by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday before the scheduled board meeting.
Public input is valued by the Board of Directors and citizens attending the meeting are given an opportunity to address agenda items or other issues of concern in two ways:
- The Board President may invite public input prior to a vote on an action item.
- A "Pink Comment Card", located by the entrance, may be filled out prior to the opening of the business meeting noting the topic and purpose of addressing the Board. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per individual. If you are watching the meeting virtually, and would like to submit a public comment, click here. Please note that all public comments must be submitted prior to the start of the board meeting.
There are generally five types of Board meetings:
Regular Meetings - The business meeting of the Board of Directors is open to the public and intended to provide the Board the opportunity to structure and facilitate a timely and effective decision making process. This meeting is not a public hearing and for this reason, comments or interjections from the public are not encouraged during the presentations or questions by the Board. However, the public can be heard during the scheduled public comment time listed on the agenda by filling out the "public comment card" before the meeting starts.
Special Meetings - Occasionally, special meetings are required in order to conduct important business that might arise between regular monthly meetings. However, this is a rare occurrence and, whenever it becomes necessary to call such a meeting to make decisions, the public is notified.
- Public Hearings - The Board of Directors may call a meeting to seek public input on an issue or concept. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes per individual and must pertain to the stated purpose of the hearing. No formal Board action occurs during a public hearing.
- Work Sessions - Work sessions are held periodically so that the Board of Directors have the opportunity to discuss issues, concerns, or concepts. These meetings are held in view of the public but most often public input is not solicited during a work session. No formal Board action occurs.
- Executive Sessions - Executive sessions are held to consider personnel matters, to plan strategies for collective bargaining, to consider the purchase of real property, to confer with legal counsel or to review records that are exempt by law from inspections. The general public is excluded from attending these meetings. No official action takes place in Executive Session.
CSD board policy and Washington State open records laws state that a quorum of three board members is required to conduct official district business. At times, three or more board members may be present at school functions or social events. In those settings, district business will not be conducted and advance notice of a possible quorum will not be provided.
If you have a question or opinions that you would like to pursue, please feel free to contact the Superintendent of Schools at 330-7600 or send an email.