English Learner Program (EL)
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Multilingual Program
Students new to the United States who speak a language other than English are taught the English language as participants of the Multilingual Program (ML). These services are available to each student who meets the criteria established by the state.
The Centralia School District is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to every student. The English Language Program is designed to accelerate English acquisition for students whose first language is not English and to further assist them in becoming successful learners in the regular classroom.
Our Vision ML students in Centralia Schools will develop proficiency in English at an academic level, build confidence and skills to function independently in school and community, and embark on a path toward college and/or career while retaining cultural identity and home language. Our Mission Language proficiency is the cornerstone of academic success. Our administrators, teachers, educational assistants, parents, and community will work together to provide a comprehensive English Language Development program that:
Delivery Model
The classroom teacher has the responsibility for the primary, direct instruction of English Language Learner eligible students. English Language Program resources are provided to supplement the ML student's basic educational program. The purpose of this supplemental service is to teach English to non-English speaking students who qualify for services using the State guidelines.
An ML student may be assigned to participate in one or more of the following supports during the school year:
Outside the classroom
Students work with a certificated ML teacher or a trained ML Instructional Assistant away from the regular classroom setting. Usually this occurs for a short period of time each day. Specialized ML materials, including textbooks and online ELD programs, are used to help students learn English. Our ML teachers, in collaboration with the ML Instructional Assistants, plan for the instruction.
Inside the classroom
Different levels of support can be delivered within the classroom setting:
- Students in a content ML program use a combination of ML materials and regular classroom materials to learn conversational English while simultaneously developing academic skills. The classroom teacher designs lesson accommodations and modifications according to the English language needs of the student.
- Students who score "Proficient" on the annual assessment (WIDA) are monitored for achievement for at least two more years. These students receive their instruction from the classroom teacher, with weekly monitoring by the ML teacher and/or an ML paraeducator.
Elementary and Middle School Services
High School Services
In addition to their regular classes, high school students who qualify for ML may be enrolled in:
- Beginning ELD
- Intermediate ELD
- Sheltered English - 9th, 10th & 11th grades