CSB Board of Directors Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Centralia School District- CSD Board of Directors FAQ
School boards were created by the State Legislature to formulate policies for the operation of school districts. School boards are agents of the state, charged with the governance functions delegated to them by the state.
The Centralia School Board is composed of five elected Directors. The Board of Directors is the corporate entity established by the State of Washington to plan and direct all aspects of the District's operations. The Board's fundamental responsibility is to develop an organization that encourages and enables all students to achieve personal and academic success.
The Board assists in the development and final approval of District goals and policies. It is the Superintendent, acting as a CEO, that designs, implements and manages the goals and policies. The Board is not a legislative entity and does not have law making authority.
The Superintendent is the Board's professional advisor to whom the Board delegates executive responsibility. The Superintendent is the executive officer (secretary) of the Board and is responsible for the administration under the laws and policies of state and federal governments. The Board's role is governance and the Superintendent's role is management, administration, and operations.
Directors are a critical link to the community. The Board of Directors should serve their patrons by:
- Ensuring the education is always first and foremost the primary agenda.
- Ensuring that Board Members and their actions are accessible to the public.
- Ensuring that all provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act are followed.
- Ensuring the District is committed to academic excellence.
- Ensuring that the District carefully, thoughtfully and efficiently manages all the monies and resources.
- Establish the vision, mission and goals for the district.
- Review, revise and adopt policies.
- Establish and oversee the budget.
- Monitor the District's progress toward its goal.
- Approve the curriculum adoptions.
- Hire, supervise and evaluate the superintendent.
- A Director should be a sounding board for the Superintendent.
- A Director should encourage a citizen to resolve any conflicts at the appropriate management level.
- Community issues should be shared with the Superintendent, and serious issues should be communicated immediately.
- A Director should never be involved in dispute resolution.
- A Director should be an education advocate in the community.
- A Director should be an advocate of the Superintendent and the District administrators and staff.
- A commitment to a vision of high expectations for student achievement.
- A belief that all students can learn.
- A collaborative relationship with staff.
- Participate in team building and development.
- Support for majority decisions of the Board.
- A commitment to continued learning and understanding of effective education.
- Participation in community events in support of the District.