CSD Logo
The links on this page will open files containing the various approved logos of the Centralia School District. To download, simply right click the link and choose the "download" or "save as" options. These images are only for use in District related purposes. Personal use is not permitted.
Standard CSD Logo - This is the basic logo of the Centralia School District, containing the District's mission statement. It is a JPG file with a white background.
Standard CSD Logo (PNG) - This is the same basic logo of the Centralia School District in PNG format with a transparent background.
Alternate CSD Logo - This is an alternate CSD monochrome logo. It should only be used sparingly, as part of cover art for reports, newsletters, video "bugs", etc. It is not to be used on everyday communications documents.
Centralia Logo (No mission) - This is a CSD logo containing no mission statement and no "school district" wording. It is a color JPG on a white background.
Edison Elementary Bulldog - This is a JPG file of the Edison Elementary Bulldog mascot.
Fords Prairie Tiny Tiger - This is a JPG file of the Fords Prairie Tiny Tiger mascot.
Jefferson Lincoln Mighty Tigers - This is a JPG image of the Jefferson Lincoln Mighty Tiger banner image
Oakview Topcat Mascot - This is JPG image of the Oakview Topcat mascot.
CHS Tiger (Black Background) - This is the Centralia High School tiger mascot on a black background.
Futurus High School - The Futurus Knight Logo