Centralia Virtual Academy » Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What grades are offered by the Centralia Virtual Academy (CVA)?

CVA is offering grades 7-12 for the 2023–2024 school year. K

What subjects will my child study?

CVA students in our middle and high school programs study English language arts, math, science, and history as core courses with physical education, health, and careers for a well-rounded educational experience.

Our high school students complete coursework in alignment with Centralia School District graduation requirements as documented in their High School and Beyond Plan. This course work addresses the Core-24 graduation requirements outlined by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and includes: English, mathematics, science, social studies, arts, health and fitness, career and technical education, elective, and world language or Personalized Pathway requirements. Some coursework may be independent study through APEX or through Running Start. Some students pursue their graduation requirements through New Market Skills Center in Tumwater and a bus to New Market is provided to and from Centralia High School for these students.

Does the program provide textbooks and other instructional materials?

Yes, we provide all the textbooks and instructional materials that are needed. These books and materials are made available at the school of record depending on grade level. Let the school know if you need items delivered to your home.

Will my child have the same graduation opportunities as students in traditional public schools?

Yes, we are a public school in Washington, so students can earn a diploma by earning all required high school credits and other graduation requirements.

Can my child work at his or her own pace?

Since CVA operates as a public school, CVA teachers are required to oversee their students’ academic progress and pacing in line with Washington State expectations. Considering our classes are everyday with their teacher(s) the pace will be a daily one. CVA teachers are responsible for setting assignment due dates, grading student work and meeting in live classes each day with their students. CVA teachers work diligently to differentiate their classes and supports in order to meet the unique needs of every child and to make sure that each child is growing and progressing in their learning.

How much time do students spend on the computer?

We believe in a balanced approach toward education. Computers help us provide you with effective assessment, planning, and time-management tools. Computers also act as powerful teaching tools that can motivate, stimulate, and inform children about the world around them. They do not, however, replace a solid education, rather, they help facilitate one, and thus the online daily interactions with teachers.

Students will spend the majority of their school day working on the computer. They attend live online classes each period according to their schedule.

Do you provide a curriculum for special needs children?

Yes. Depending on a child's IEP, we can tailor our curriculum to meet student needs. We have teachers dedicated to supporting students in online learning with their IEP needs as written in their plan.

Can you accommodate the accelerated learning needs of my gifted/talented child?

In High School, students have the opportunity to take more advanced courses, including preparatory courses at New Market or Running Start courses for college credit. 

Will this program intrude into my home?

Although the program requires students to have their cameras on during live (synchronous) learning with their teachers we ask that there is a dedicated space for the student to work free from distractions/intrusions. There are no home visits as part of the program. This school was created to help your child obtain a first-class education and serve your family's needs. If you ever feel that it is not right for your family or your child, you can withdraw at any time.

Can students do extracurricular activities in the Centralia School District?

Yes. We ask that you contact the school of record for such activities and inform your student’s CVA advisor.